Friday, August 13, 2010

Show Up & Let Go

I do not know if we will meet again
But what I do know
Is that I trust in Love's timing
I've learned not to chase you
But to chase myself
The yearning I had to be with you
Was truly yearning to be with my authentic self
And in finding myself
I now know all I have to do is show up and let go
Show up for my own Heart and let in everything that matches
It's vibration
And let go of everything else
There is no use trying to hold onto a poison
Because I'm afraid of going thirsty
I've had one too many sips of that drink labeled "I'm not enough"
I'd rather go thirsty in the desert because my Heart has asked me to
Than deny it's request one more time
But what I've found is that once I let go of the poisonous drink
Of low self worth and listened to my Heart
I did not go thirsty
Not because I found another poison to drink
No, but because following my Heart
Was all I need to quench my thirst

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