Wednesday, August 18, 2010


There are several awareness or realizations that can facilitate
change. These awareness opens up new possibilities for you.

Awareness #1: The universe we live in is mind-made. By virtue of
the fact that we are mind-beings, we are actively participating
in the creation of this universe. In fact, we are creating our lives
every moment. Unfortunately for most of us, we are doing this
unconsciously. That is why it seems as if we are not in control of
what comes into our lives. To become the master of your own destiny,
you must create your life consciously.

Awareness #2: Our external experience is a mirror reflection of our
inner state of mind. In other words, our external experience can be
our feedback for us to know our own inner mind state. Once we know
this, we have a potent tool to look into the inner content of our
mind. From there, we can recognize limiting beliefs, false
assumptions and unrealistic expectations. This gives us the
opportunity to transform our mind.

Awareness #3: Our beliefs are merely that - beliefs. There are our
perceptions of reality. They are not reality itself. Beliefs are
not real and therefore they can change. This means that it is
possible for us to change our own beliefs, and particularly our
limiting beliefs.

Awareness #4: Our emotions and our happiness are determined by our
thoughts. More specifically, the state of our emotion is dependent
on the types of thoughts we hold to be true. Change those thoughts
and you literally change your emotional state.

Awareness #5: We are, ultimately, spiritual beings. We are complete
unto ourselves. That means that we can find everything we need
within us - peace, joy, abundance. Our limiting beliefs in lack
and scarcity are obstacles we placed on ourselves, and therefore
we have the ability to remove these obstacles so that the light
of realization shines once again upon our true nature.

These awareness can be very liberating. They open up tremendous
possibilities for us to live the lives we want. They put us in
charge of our lives but we must first agree to take full
responsibility for our own life

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