Wednesday, August 18, 2010

EFT Exercise

EFT Exercise - Tap Your Troubles Away.

First of all, let me assure you that there is nothing complicated
about this technique. It can be learned in minutes and once you
have given it a try, you will find that you can use it in all areas
of your life, both physical and psychological.

The first thing you need to be aware of is knowing exactly where to
tap on your body, in order to dissolve those negative beliefs
within you. There are nine areas, and they are as follows:

The underside of your hand (the karate chop part).
The top of your head (the crown).
The beginning of your eyebrow (in between both).
The side of your eye (the outside).
Right under your eye.
Right under your nose.
Right under your mouth (top of the chin).
Right where your collar bones come together.
Four inches below your underarm.

Now that you know where to tap, here's how to use the process.

For example, let's say you have a negative belief/emotion about
money. Take whatever that emotion is and describe it. So you could
say "I am feeling confused" or "I am feeling frustrated" or "I am
feeling afraid" and so on. This is the phrase you will clear on. So
in this example, you would say "I'm afraid I have money

Next, you will tap on the nine different areas of your body, one at
a time, using two fingers. As you tap, you will recite the phrase
you are feeling. You would start by tapping the karate chop area of
your opposite hand with two fingers, and say "Even though I have
money limitations, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself."

Then go to each area of your body as listed above, and tap each one
in turn, but you only need to say "money limitation." Say this
phrase three or four times, before moving onto the next area. So
after tapping the karate chop area, you would tap on the top of
your head, while saying "money limitation" several times. Then you
would do the same with the beginning of your eyebrow, and so on,
until you have tapped the area below your underarm.

You can repeat this as many times as you wish, and done often
enough, you may find that you feel better each time you do this. As
I mentioned, it doesn't have to be about money. If you have a
headache, you could use this technique to get rid of it. So you
could say "Even though I have a splitting headache, I deeply love,
accept and forgive myself." Then repeat the phrase "splitting
headache" when you tap the points as indicated.

This method of psychological acupuncture aligns your psychology so
you are clear to receive whatever you need to manifest in your
life. It may sound a little 'out there' but this method of clearing
your energy channels has been known to work, so give it a try and
see what happens

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