Tuesday, July 6, 2010

self speaking

" When Love speaks, it is Master. "

" Your true friend is the one who never lets you do mistakes, but forgives you everything. "

" Never let anyone come to you and leave without being happier. "

" The soul of a great man can be recognised in the sparkling eyes of his lady. "

" We must love ourselves enough to know how to forget about ourselves. "

" If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it, but rather, blame yourself and know that you have not been poetic enough to capture it's richness. "

" Music gives soul to our hearts, and wings to our thoughts. "

" There are no uncrossable obstacles, there are only more or less energetic wills. "

" You will be young for as long as you stay receptive. Receptive to all that is beautiful, good and great. Receptive to the messages of nature, men and God. "

" Old age which is a decadence for ordinary beings, is for geniuses, saints and Initiates; an apothesis. "

" In young woman, beauty contributes to spirit. In older women, spirit contributes to beauty. "

" A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. "

" God and men are like two lovers who have made a mistake on the location of their meeting place. Men waits for God in time, and God waits for men in eternity. "

" God is an infinite sphere of which the center is everywhere and the circonference, no where. "

" To give a glass of water for a glass of water is nothing. True greatness consists of giving back good for wrongdoing. "

" When you are sorry, look at the other person in the eyes. "

" Those who have a great "why", can endure any "how". "

" Choose a work which you love and you won't have to work a single day of your life. "

" Everytime you wish to know the true nature of something, give it to time. "

" Rest from having done your best, and let others speak as they want. "

" Man builds himself only in the pursuit of what is greater then him. "

" We must never think of the distance, whatever it may be, that separates us from virtue. "

" To listen well, is almost to answer. "

" No matter if the beginning is small. "

" It is in efforts that we find full satisfaction and not necessarily in success, a full effort is a full victory. "

" There are no great realisations which were not utopias first. "

" To the happy heart a joyful smile. "

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