Wednesday, July 14, 2010

MInd power

You Create and Control Everything In Your Life

By Enoch Tan / Source: Mind Power Secrets Package

Lack of control is an illusion. If you are the creator, all things are under your control. Some people say that control is an illusion but the opposite is the real truth.

How can you not be in control when all things are under your control? Realize the aspect of yourself that is divine, your Godhood. God is in control of all things, and God is the Self of all, which is your Higher Self. You are the Higher Self. You create all of your reality. There is no aspect of your reality which you do not create. Therefore you control all.

You are not a victim. All power is within and is absolutely under your control. To say that things happen through another cause other than yourself is to say that you are a victim.

Nothing happens outside of you. Everything is happening within you. You are Consciousness, and Consciousness encompasses All That Is. Whenever you feel not being in control, you are experiencing an illusion. You created the illusion of not being in control, of not being God. You are the director of the script and can control at will.

Intention controls results. Everything is created by your intention. Even when what you desire comes at a time or in a way that seems beyond your control, it is still your intent that brought it into manifesting.

There is no God outside of you that makes things happen. Everything is within you and within God. Nothing happens to you outside of you. When you realize this truth, you know that you are the creator of everything that happens in your life. The idea that something else makes things happen is not truth.

When undesirable things happen, you are simply being moved mentally or physically towards somewhere else that is closer to what you want. It is you moving yourself. Those undesirable things are not created by something external of you to affect you. They are part of your intent. Your intent arranges and rearranges the universe to move you to closer to where you wan to be. The rearrangement of the universe may seem to be something that is happening on its own but it is you who control it with intention.

Mind Power creates and controls reality. Think of Desire-Force as the warm, ardent, fiery, forceful energy, underlying the manifestations of Mind-Power; and of the Will-Power as the cold, keen, strong, directing, controlling projector of the energy. By fixing these mental images in your mind, you will be better able to manifest the two phases as occasion arises. To create a thing you must want it with a burning desire that allows no denial, backed up by a will that knows no such word as "can't" or "no."

Besides its role as the director of the energy, the will serves a very important office as the restrainer of Desire-Force. When under the control of the "I" of the person, and taking the suggestion of reason and judgment, it is able to prevent one from expressing undesirable or hurtful desires. It refuses to project the Desire-Force, or to allow the desire to take effect in action. It also turns back the desire upon itself, and refuses to allow it to manifest. The will prevents negative manifestation upon the plane of action.

And the will has still another important function. It acts as a protector. The will repels the influence or vibrations of another mind, and renders its possessor immune to undesirable thought-waves. It creates a protective aura around the individual, which will turn aside the thought-waves or vibrations which may reach him, whether such be sent directly to him or whether they are the vibrations emanating from minds of others and unconsciously sent forth. A strong soul retains strong individuality and thinking.

Feeling is living thought. Everything that is worthwhile was produced by this feeling thought. Feeling—Desire— Emotion—Passion—Wanting— Willing—Demanding—these are the things that have creative power. So do not deceive yourself with this ''holding the thought," or any such nonsense of which you have heard so much until you get sick at the mention of the words. It is not simply "holding the thought," it is "holding the desire," and backing it up with the will that does the work. Desire-Will is intent.

Each one of these centers of energy seems to have two poles of activity, one of which acts in the direction of impelling, driving, pushing, forcing, urging, directing, etc., the action being always "outward"; and the other acting in the direction of drawing, pulling, attracting, coaxing, alluring, charming, leading, etc., the action always being "inward." One seems to be a masculine force, the other a feminine force. One seems to act as Will-Power; the other as Desire-Force. The Desire aligns, and the will acts.

These two poles of Mind-Power possessed by each center are called the motive pole, and the emotive pole, respectively. As in all other things, a combination of the masculine and feminine qualities and characteristics produces the best results. Each has its strong and weak points, but together they are irresistible along all lines of work, physical, mental and spiritual. Desire is emotive force which is internal action. Will is motive force which is external action. Desire translated into Will is Magic work.

To live as a powerful creator, you have to banish the illusion once and for all that you are not in control. Because you will always arrive back at the core truth that you are the creator of your reality and that you control all of it. Not being in control makes you feel like a victim.

When you focus on what you can do to create what you want, you take back the power. Your intent brings you the knowledge, the awareness and the energy to create what you want. Everything that happens can be traced back to intent

Monday, July 12, 2010


"Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: some things are within our control and some things are not. It is only after you have faced up to this fundamental rule and learned to distinguish between what you can and cannot control that inner tranquility and outer effectiveness become possible... Remember too, that if you think you have free rein over things that are naturally beyond your control, or if you attempt to adopt the affairs of others as your own, your pursuits will be thwarted and you will become a frustrated, anxious and fault-finding person."

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Because you need to trust your intuition - like you would trust your best friend to come
through for you.

Negative thoughts and negative beliefs display a lack of trust.
Those thoughts and beliefs say that you don't trust your intuition and
that you doubt it will deliver.

You have to be open minded and trust that you will succeed.

So clear your mind of the negative thinking.
Get rid of the negative beliefs.
Focus only on what you want.
Be clear about what you want.
Trust that you will get what you want.
Believe in yourself and believe in your intuition - visit:


You will also be given a personal Character Analysis, a complete study of your behavoir and your character to allow you to get to know yourself, your drives and ambitions even better. This is an important tool and you will need to refer to it often during the Transit period as it provides vital clues to your personality and how you can react to seize this period's important opportunities and reach this new turning point in your life. Amongst other things this Analysis will explain:

- Your fundamental needs, values and orientation towards life
- The principal aspects of your personality
- Your lesser known character traits
- How you approach life, your basic stance towards life
- How you appear to others and the way others see you
- The way you come across and the face you show to the world
- The Inner You and your real motivation
- The kind of person you are at heart and where your true priorities lie
- How you can generally boost your capacities
- The costume you wear but also the real person inside the costume
- Your real role in life
- What are your mental interests and abilities
- How to get over your deeply hidden fears
- What are your emotions, moods and feelings
- How you are romantically
- How you achieve your goals, what your drives and ambitions are
- Growth and expansion: the areas that you enjoy
- What are the domains in which you could excel and find satisfaction
- The areas that challenge you or are difficult for you
- What makes you so original and how strong is your imagination
- In which areas you are creative, unique, unstable or compulsive

Thursday, July 8, 2010


The greatest challenge and gift is coming into who you really are. The world will try to distract you, people will say you're not good enough, you can't do it, that you are selfish, that there's no point. Yet inside you is that litle voice dying to be expressed.

Today - listen no more to the doubts. One small yes from that voice is more powerful than all the doubts of the world. Be that yes!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

self speaking

" When Love speaks, it is Master. "

" Your true friend is the one who never lets you do mistakes, but forgives you everything. "

" Never let anyone come to you and leave without being happier. "

" The soul of a great man can be recognised in the sparkling eyes of his lady. "

" We must love ourselves enough to know how to forget about ourselves. "

" If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it, but rather, blame yourself and know that you have not been poetic enough to capture it's richness. "

" Music gives soul to our hearts, and wings to our thoughts. "

" There are no uncrossable obstacles, there are only more or less energetic wills. "

" You will be young for as long as you stay receptive. Receptive to all that is beautiful, good and great. Receptive to the messages of nature, men and God. "

" Old age which is a decadence for ordinary beings, is for geniuses, saints and Initiates; an apothesis. "

" In young woman, beauty contributes to spirit. In older women, spirit contributes to beauty. "

" A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. "

" God and men are like two lovers who have made a mistake on the location of their meeting place. Men waits for God in time, and God waits for men in eternity. "

" God is an infinite sphere of which the center is everywhere and the circonference, no where. "

" To give a glass of water for a glass of water is nothing. True greatness consists of giving back good for wrongdoing. "

" When you are sorry, look at the other person in the eyes. "

" Those who have a great "why", can endure any "how". "

" Choose a work which you love and you won't have to work a single day of your life. "

" Everytime you wish to know the true nature of something, give it to time. "

" Rest from having done your best, and let others speak as they want. "

" Man builds himself only in the pursuit of what is greater then him. "

" We must never think of the distance, whatever it may be, that separates us from virtue. "

" To listen well, is almost to answer. "

" No matter if the beginning is small. "

" It is in efforts that we find full satisfaction and not necessarily in success, a full effort is a full victory. "

" There are no great realisations which were not utopias first. "

" To the happy heart a joyful smile. "

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is."
"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it."