Thursday, February 14, 2013


It’s February and love is in the air! For many of us this time of year brings forth a deep longing for more romance and intimacy in our lives. As Valentine’s Day is on display almost everywhere you look it is hard not to think about it. Some people feel the love that’s in the air, some choose to ignore it and some go out of their way to boycott it completely. Whether you want to admit it or not, the reality is that we all want to be loved, cherished, understood and cared for, it is part of being human. And for the most part we constantly look to have these feelings fulfilled from other people in our lives. But it never is fully satisfying and never feels like enough. That’s why when Valentine’s Day rolls around; many of us feel the void. The one place where we will find the key to true, long-lasting love is the one place that the most of us aren’t looking…WITHIN. We are all born with the natural ability to love value and appreciate ourselves, and it is time to remember how awesome we already truly are! It’s time we make February the month of SELF-LOVE. If you want more love to flow into your life you need to learn how to turn that valve on within yourself first! LOVE yourself…LOVE everybody….and everybody LOVES you back


Today is Valentine's Day... a day we celebrate LOVE. So I wanted to take this opportunity to send you a note and say... I LOVE YOU I APPRECIATE YOU And I BELIVE IN YOU. It's true. I really do. LOVE is a funny thing. We love our parents, our kids, our friends and our spouse... ... We say we love chocolate and football and ice cream... ... In fact, we SAY we love a lot of stuff... But what does LOVE really have to do with your life outside of a few special relationships? The answers is... EVERYTHING! See, everything our world is made up of "energy"... kind of like how radio stations operate on a "frequency". The station you "tune into" in your life will determine what kind of "music" plays in your world. Meaning, if your overall vibe is one of groaning, moaning, frustration and complaining you'll only hear "country music" in your world. Just kidding! It's just that most country songs I hear talk about someone losing their job, their wife, their car and their dog all at the same time. ;-) But seriously, if you're constantly stuck in a "low energy" mode where everything you notice and talk about is what's missing, what's wrong, what isn't working and why it likely never will... You will NEVER live the happy, healthy and wealthy lifestyle you crave. So how do you turn it all around? Simple. LOVE. LOVE is the highest "frequency" there is. Love is the answer to all your problems... literally. Because when you bring LOVE to any situation and commit to ONLY bringing love... everything changes... and fast. Don't believe me? Try it. Take any sitation or relationship that's not working in your life right now and bring LOVE to it. Just love. No judgement or criticism or skepticism. LOVE really IS the answer. So today, be sure to tell the people you love... that you love them. And start by looking in the mirror at that magnificent person staring back at you and decide today that you will forever and always love that person. Decide that you will build that person up... speaking only life and success and abundance and joy over the person looking back at you in the mirror.